
The idea? Calling all RVer poets

(Note to Leon: how quickly you forget it was I who suggested I start yet another blog to document our future RV experiences - in the car, on the way to our friend's house. Yes, we did, totally misunderstand each other about the purpose of this blog, I just thought you were being clever because I am a poet at heart.)

So, any RVers out there who would like to see their poem published here? This could be your recreational vehicle for getting your playful words out there without the bother of keeping up a blog - or just to get to a different audience. Just email, it really would be fun to have a section of RVer poetry, after all, although we would all have a lot in common, we would all be so different, minds and emotions are so varied.

For now, my poetry will have to suffice. In the meantime we are brainstorming jobs we could both do on the road to support ourselves, because we certainly won't live in the lap of luxury, but more like the gutters, I just hope clean ones. But at this point, even gutters feel right to me. . . (That so did not sound right!) Leon can do most anything as a job, he is quite coordinated and one of those men not afraid of hard work; I am the problem child, and as such, my mind keeps leaping for things for Leon to do!

Perhaps it is time to treat my writing as a job and try to get paid to think. After all, I spend all day thinking. . . . hmmm.

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To all who have stopped here for a moment or two: We value your time as we do our own. Thank you for visiting, and please, feel free to comment for it takes your reply to make this a two-sided conversation. - Marcia and Leon

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