
RVs Are Everywhere

We drove through the mountains yesterday, on business, so we couldn't stop to play more than a few extra minutes at lunch, after the job was done. I honestly wish I had remembered to count the number of RV's of all shapes and sizes we passed in both directions. It was like they were playing Chinese Checkers, moving all their men to the opposite side of the board. East heading West and West heading East.

It was a good thing we are both responsible people; if not, we may have just abandoned the van, bought an RV (by signing our lives away), and taken off down the back roads to visite every river and mountain out there. But. . . reality set in before immaturity or plain stupidity could take hold.

As it was, we saw beautiful scenery:
  • water flowing over rocks both down mountainsides and in rivers
  • remnants of snow peeking through trees
  • contrasts of new growth light greens versus old growth dark greens
  • lots of broken rocks near the side of the road (beautiful, but scary)
  • calm reflective waters and raging rapids
  • blue skies and whisps of clouds
  • sunshine and shade
  • curving roads that lead to hidden places and straight roads that seemed to go on forever
  • wildflowers in purples and white
  • birds on the tippy top of trees
  • people having a moment of peace at the side of a river
  • forests and pastures
  • cows and alpacas and goats
  • bicyclists in a rainbow of primary colors, muscles working hard heading for somewhere
I know we saw more. I know we saw enough for the few hours we were on the road. But I long to see more of the same and more of different.

I only hope that my ability to be content with less won't be lost with each future trip. I'm still able to pull it off. . . but each day it gets a bit harder. How about you? Do you want more?

Photos will follow. Computer woes interfere with posting.

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